Even though it is the earth that actually rotates around the Sun, we say that it is the Sun that moves through each of the twelve astrological signs. If you are looking for a free horoscope, your best bet is too first consider what a true horoscope is.
You have heard of palm reading, but what about facial reading. Why would you want to let a few lines in a paper or the internet or a magazine govern how you choose to do things just so that subconsciously, the horoscopes are made definite to come true. The astrologer next calculates the time difference between the birth time and the Greenwich Mean Time (the time when the planets at birth time would be visible).
The three modes are based on creativity. You will soon discover that there truly is lasting romance in the zodiac. One can depend on a Capricorn any day, without the fear of regretting it.
In noting the time of birth of children, it is advisable to have the clock set as accurately as possible. But be careful to use discernment in choosing a guide who will provide this information for you.
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