This planet relates to the world of emotions, including the nature embedded by nature, nurture and memory. The moon is equally as important as the sun in a chart.
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are in the Fire group. Sure, being born in the same element creates a certain basic understanding between the two of you, but sometimes this can create a relationship where everything feels very familiar and safe. This is certainly true of horoscope relationships.
Both Signs want to be the leader in the relationship, so compromise is essential. Each sign is unique and what creates different characteristics in people. A tight mouth might reveal someone s nervousness, irritation, or lack of honesty.
So you need to know your ascendant sign in order to be able to read both your Sun sign and your ascendant sign whether you want to analyze your personality traits or want to make a prediction about your future. Never ever should one doubt a Sagittarian.
Zodiac And Its Personalities for horoscopes Characters Of The Black Zodiac the easy way
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