The sun is the planet that zodiac novices are most interested in. In addition to newspapers, you'll also find the information in magazines, online, on the television and just about anywhere you go.
The Sun entering Aries heralds the Spring Equinox of equal days and equal nights. Most will be very surprised at how calculated, precise and even complicated true horoscopes really are. When we're born, these planets are all in a certain position.
Still using Taurus as an example, their element sign is Earth. The second part of astrology which is very important to youth is being able to gain a deeper understanding into themselves their specific character traits and personalities.
They are the ones who can declare and express their love well, and are not the kind to hold their emotions back. The breaking up process that has taken place in Aquarius is taken to its logical conclusion in the complete destruction of form; blending into the whole. Love or romance with a Leo, can be like a typical fairy tale.
Astrology readings are not just about predicting the future. You need to become familiar with these terms when you are learning astrology.
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